The drawings and watercolours
Follow me on Bluesky Due to the anti-democratic tendencies in the US, I have decided to stop using Instagram to show my work. You can follow me on Bluesky and hopefully soon on Flashes, Bluesky's Instagram alternative where I will continue posting new stuff. I also plan to update my website so stay tuned. Take care! |
12 april 2024 – 19 mei 2024
Very excited to hear that my work has been selected for the twelfth edition of Tekenkabinet! The first exhibition will take place in Projectruimte BMB, Amsterdam.
12 april 2024 – 19 mei 2024
Very excited to hear that my work has been selected for the twelfth edition of Tekenkabinet! The first exhibition will take place in Projectruimte BMB, Amsterdam.
29 oktober 2023 – 13 januari 2024
I'm one of the participating artists in the Group exhibition 'Heterdaad' at MicksArt Gallery, Emmen.
Participating artists
Daphne Bitter, Toon Borghuis, Els Hoonhout, Mariska Karto, Nanna Lahn, Iris Bavelaar, Niphisi, Sander Wiersma, Wilma Wassink, Slawomir Kuszczak ,Anton Shirkin, Miriam Steinberg, Merel Wendt, Emy Noya, Tom Schenk, Sikko Mulder, Rieneke Hollemans, Wilma Wassing, Froukje Dijkstra, Rita Siemons, Mariska, Karto, Hermien Buytendijk, Anouk de Groot, Godfried Dols, Harrie Arling, Ortaire de Conpaigne, Ruben Koerhuis, Teodóra Róka, Eddy Dijkslag, Maarten van Holten, Betty Paanakker, Mots Kocic, Wim Steins, Ferdi de bruin, Wikje Schoon, Annigje, Siny Heitel, Mo Berger, Ruben Koerhuis
29 oktober 2023 – 13 januari 2024
I'm one of the participating artists in the Group exhibition 'Heterdaad' at MicksArt Gallery, Emmen.
Participating artists
Daphne Bitter, Toon Borghuis, Els Hoonhout, Mariska Karto, Nanna Lahn, Iris Bavelaar, Niphisi, Sander Wiersma, Wilma Wassink, Slawomir Kuszczak ,Anton Shirkin, Miriam Steinberg, Merel Wendt, Emy Noya, Tom Schenk, Sikko Mulder, Rieneke Hollemans, Wilma Wassing, Froukje Dijkstra, Rita Siemons, Mariska, Karto, Hermien Buytendijk, Anouk de Groot, Godfried Dols, Harrie Arling, Ortaire de Conpaigne, Ruben Koerhuis, Teodóra Róka, Eddy Dijkslag, Maarten van Holten, Betty Paanakker, Mots Kocic, Wim Steins, Ferdi de bruin, Wikje Schoon, Annigje, Siny Heitel, Mo Berger, Ruben Koerhuis
28 november 2020 – 9 januari 2021
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of galerie with tsjalling, 40 artists where invited to make new work around the theme 'Pie'. I participate in the exhibition with a mixed media work 'Fruitcake Extravaganza'.
Participating artists
Inge Aanstoot, Arnout van Albada, Anne van As, Eduard Bezembinder, Sander van der Bij, Lisa Blaauwbroek, Erik Buijs, Kamilė Česnavičiūtė, Sander van Deurzen, Karel Dicker, Rosa Everts, Mieke Fokkinga, Lenneke van der Goot, Cor Groenenberg, Niek Hendrix, Beate Höing, Merijn Hos, Julia de Jong, Chiaki Kamikawa, Herman Knottnerus, Mariette Linders, Erik Mattijssen, Heiko Müller, Jans Muskee, Beth Namenwirth, Tryntsje Nauta, Oskar Nilsson, Kim van Norren, Julio Pastor, Stijn Rietman, Erica Scheper, Roosmarijn Schoonewelle, Henrike Scholten, Rob Strick, Koen Taselaar, Timmer & Schoonewelle, Jorge Vicén, Albert Westerhoff, Sander Wiersma, Drewes de Wit.
28 november 2020 – 9 januari 2021
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of galerie with tsjalling, 40 artists where invited to make new work around the theme 'Pie'. I participate in the exhibition with a mixed media work 'Fruitcake Extravaganza'.
Participating artists
Inge Aanstoot, Arnout van Albada, Anne van As, Eduard Bezembinder, Sander van der Bij, Lisa Blaauwbroek, Erik Buijs, Kamilė Česnavičiūtė, Sander van Deurzen, Karel Dicker, Rosa Everts, Mieke Fokkinga, Lenneke van der Goot, Cor Groenenberg, Niek Hendrix, Beate Höing, Merijn Hos, Julia de Jong, Chiaki Kamikawa, Herman Knottnerus, Mariette Linders, Erik Mattijssen, Heiko Müller, Jans Muskee, Beth Namenwirth, Tryntsje Nauta, Oskar Nilsson, Kim van Norren, Julio Pastor, Stijn Rietman, Erica Scheper, Roosmarijn Schoonewelle, Henrike Scholten, Rob Strick, Koen Taselaar, Timmer & Schoonewelle, Jorge Vicén, Albert Westerhoff, Sander Wiersma, Drewes de Wit.
10|12|13 & 19|20|21 may (13:00 - 17:00) 2018, Hervormde kerk Slochteren In the group exhibition LUX OBSCURA, I will present my short-video 'HETEROTOPIA'. A 'mythical' story based on the the history and surroundings of the Church of Slochteren. Besides my own work there will be work on show of Marlies Hulzebos (photographs) and Esse van der Molen (video/installation). |
Shapeshifters - Exhibition
08/10/2017- 07/11/2017, galerie with tsjalling Duo-show with Irja Syvertsen. For more details about the exhibition check: |
LAB 6 - Exhibition CBK GRONINGEN
01/2/2017 - 22/4/2017, CBK, Groningen In a period of three months, all nominees of the Hendrik de Vriesstipendium worked at CBK Groningen on the continuation of the nomination exhibition. Most of us experimented with new forms of expression. For me, this experiment resulted in a triptych of sculptures called 'Love me (Antibride), Desire me (Queen of Fucking Everthing), Leave me (Bête Noire)'. Besides the triptych I also presented a big collage (Plutus) and a watercolour painting (K.O). |
Nomination Hendrik de Vriesstipendium 2016
10/12/2016 - 7/1/2017, CBK, Groningen Recently I was nominated for the Hendrik de Vriesstipendium, a grand for artists who live and work in the city of Groningen. Unfortunately I didn't win but I'm glad I participated which resulted in a plan for a new series of works (War Gods) and a very nice show at CBK Groningen. |

Artist in Residence Schiermonnikoog
24/6/2016 - 8/7/2016, Kunstfaam, Schiermonnikoog
Together with Peter Bootsma, I worked for a period of two weeks at Open Studio Kunstfaam. Inspired by the local (WW2) history of the island Schiermonnikoog, I worked on drawings, illustrations and a videowork which resulted in the exhibition 'Schemeringen'. The exhibition also contained a series of photographs by Marlies Hulzebos ('Stranden') and facts and figures about Schiermonnikoog and the neighbouring (German) island Borkum by Peter Bootsma.
24/6/2016 - 8/7/2016, Kunstfaam, Schiermonnikoog
Together with Peter Bootsma, I worked for a period of two weeks at Open Studio Kunstfaam. Inspired by the local (WW2) history of the island Schiermonnikoog, I worked on drawings, illustrations and a videowork which resulted in the exhibition 'Schemeringen'. The exhibition also contained a series of photographs by Marlies Hulzebos ('Stranden') and facts and figures about Schiermonnikoog and the neighbouring (German) island Borkum by Peter Bootsma.
Kunstfaam |
Peter Bootsma |
Marlies Hulzebos |
Exhibition Different corners (fairytales)
16/4/2016 - 15/5/2016, Galerie Helder, The Hague
Check for more details about the exhibition.
Paul Nassenstein, Niels Janssen, Marit Dik, Damian Kapojos, Sigrid van Woudenberg, Sander Wiersma
16/4/2016 - 15/5/2016, Galerie Helder, The Hague
Check for more details about the exhibition.
Paul Nassenstein, Niels Janssen, Marit Dik, Damian Kapojos, Sigrid van Woudenberg, Sander Wiersma
5X5 Small Art Expo
6/9/2015, Pictura Groningen
6/9/2015, Pictura Groningen
For this exhibition I made a small series of works called 'Guilty Pleasures' (5x5cm oilpaint on wood).
14/3/2014 - 21-5-2014, BAS10, Sneek Together with Hinke Boorsma I curated the exhibition INKED at Galerie BAS10. We showed works by artists who where directly or indirectly inspired by tatoo's. Artists: Eveline Smit, Frieda de Witte, Henrike Scholten, Jans Muskee, Klasiena (Sieuwke Klaske) Soepboer, Maria Jager, Marlies Hulzebos, Pepijn van den Nieuwendijk, Rinke Nijburg, Sabine Liedtke, Sander Wiersma, Toyah van de Ven. BAS10: |